Определение СЛА по ЕАSА:
(REGULATION (EC) No 216/2008, Annex II):
- aeroplanes, helicopters and powered parachutes having no more than two seats, a maximum take-off mass (MTOM),
as recorded by the Member States, of no more than:
(i) 300 kg for a land plane/helicopter, single-seater; or
(ii) 450 kg for a land plane/helicopter, two-seater; or
(iii) 330 kg for an amphibian or floatplane/helicopter single-seater; or
(iv) 495 kg for an amphibian or floatplane/helicopter two-seater, provided that, where operating both as a
floatplane/helicopter and as a land plane/helicopter, it falls below both MTOM limits, as appropriate;
(v) 472,5 kg for a land plane, two-seater equipped with an airframe mounted total recovery parachute system;
(vi) 315 kg for a land plane single-seater equipped with an airframe mounted total recovery parachute system;
and, for aeroplanes, having the stall speed or the minimum steady flight speed in landing configuration not exceeding
35 knots calibrated air speed (CAS);
В Европе нет единых требований для СЛА, есть только национальные. Вот, например, английские BCAR-S: