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Enigma free data download page
World terrain data (GTOPO30 DEM files)
Russian region (roughly former USSR and ajoining areas). 40MBytes.
Files E060N90.DEM, E100N90.DEM, E140N90.DEM
World vector base map files
Russia and China vector base map. N90,E060 to N40,E180 Appoximately 18MBytes.
Install onto Enigma SD card (filename VMAP.EVD).
In Enigma simulator, install into MMC folder.
In Flight Planner, install into Maps folder.
Airspace vector files
Russian continental airspace untiled format from N90,E60 to N30,E180.
In Enigma install onto internal flash drive (recommended) or use from SD card.
In Flight Planner, install into Data folder.
In Enigma simulator, install into MMC folder.
For European including Russian airpace to the Ural mountains contact Olivier at