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Под рукой нет. А по цвету не совпадают что-ли? Или нужно распиновку разъема на самом устройстве? Кстати по моделям они тоже различаются 24 и 18 pin. Вот пара ссылок где теоретически можно спросить:
Hey everyone! I had posed the question asking if anyone had luck getting the aera 660 to work with XP11 and no one seemed to have answers..only referring to a 795/96. Well, with some tinkering I was able to get it to work - so here is a guide. A couple things youll need: 1. Garmin Aera 660 http:/...
We are having hard time trying to make Garmin Aera 500 talk to Dynon D-100 over serial connection. We don't have HS-34, so the connection has to be done directly to Dynon D-100 unit. We connected the yellow wire from the Dynon-supplied D-100 harness (goes to pin 22 of the DB25 connector) to the...