experiment today.. I couldn't find a published glide ratio anywhere,, so I tried to figure one out.. The airplane carried about 450# and full fuel..Weather conditions, temp, just below freezing,, wind, appr 2kt head wind component.. We started the glides at as close to same spot each time as we could and at 500AGL at 70MPH.. We tried 2 glides at each air speed and measured the distances to touch down..
55 MPH,, 2500-2600ft,, 5 to 1
60 MPH,, 3100-3200ft,, 6.3 to 1
65 MPH,, 2900-3000ft,, 5.9 to 1
So these were done in practically no wind conditions, straight ahead landings.. I tried to hold altitude and airspeed as best as I could[ +/- 10ft and 2-2.5 MPH].. I would have liked to have done more but had a hard time keeping the engine running,, it quit on us twice..This certainly wasn't a precise test,,but,, I had fun..