Самолёт Cri Cri.


Я люблю строить самолеты!
Well then I look forward to your next post. I would also like to take this opertunity to say you do outstanding work, great craftmanship, I only hope I can do the same.



Я люблю строить самолеты!
Lori great pics could you post some of the whole wing, and did you take any while you were constructing the spars before they were all glued together, like the webs and caps.

This is awsome answered some guestions for me here.



CRI CRI #703
Dan, unfortunately photos of spars making (and many others) are lost - computer's crash. :-(

Дэн, к сожалению, фотографии процесса изготовления лонжеронов (и многие другие) утрачены - авария компьютера. :-(


Я люблю строить самолеты!
ahhhhh!!!! oh well. At least I got most of them and look forward to your next post, I just wish I could read this site here but can't translate it on this computer so I have only the pics to look at and understand what you guys are doing.

Looks great good job Lori



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[ch1050][ch1086][ch1075][ch1076][ch1072] [ch1103] [ch1074][ch1093][ch1086][ch1078][ch1091] [ch1085][ch1072] [ch1089][ch1072][ch1081][ch1090] [ch1080][ch1076][ch1077][ch1090] strieght [ch1085][ch1072] [ch1072][ch1085][ch1075][ch1083][ch1080][ch1081][ch1089][ch1082][ch1086][ch1084] [ch1103][ch1079][ch1099][ch1082][ch1077] [ch1080] [ch1085][ch1077] [ch1088][ch1091][ch1089][ch1089][ch1082][ch1080][ch1081], [ch1085][ch1086] trnslation [ch1085][ch1072] [ch1089][ch1090][ch1088][ch1072][ch1085][ch1080][ch1094][ch1077] [ch1085][ch1077] [ch1088][ch1091][ch1089][ch1089][ch1082][ch1080][ch1081]. [ch1050][ch1072][ch1082] [ch1103] [ch1084][ch1086][ch1075][ch1091] [ch1080][ch1079][ch1084][ch1077][ch1085][ch1080][ch1090][ch1100] langrage [ch1087][ch1088][ch1077][ch1092][ch1077][ch1088][ch1072][ch1085][ch1089] [ch1076][ch1083][ch1103] [ch1079][ch1072][ch1075][ch1088][ch1091][ch1079][ch1082][ch1080] [ch1080] [ch1086][ch1090][ch1086][ch1073][ch1088][ch1072][ch1078][ch1077][ch1085][ch1080][ch1103] [ch1089][ch1090][ch1088][ch1072][ch1085][ch1080][ch1094]?

When I log on the site goes strieght to a english version and not Russian, but the trnslation on the page is not Russian. How do I change the langrage preferance for page display?



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[ch1052][ch1085][ch1077] [ch1078][ch1072][ch1083][ch1100], [ch1051][ch1086][ch1088][ch1080], [ch1103] Ment [ch1086][ch1076][ch1080][ch1085] forume [ch1089][ch1077][ch1073][ch1103], [ch1082][ch1086][ch1075][ch1076][ch1072] [ch1103] [ch1042][ch1086][ch1081][ch1090][ch1080] [ch1085][ch1072] [ch1092][ch1086][ch1088][ch1091][ch1084], [ch1095][ch1090][ch1086][ch1073][ch1099] [ch1089][ch1077][ch1073][ch1077] [ch1074][ch1072][ch1096] [ch1089][ch1083][ch1077][ch1076][ch1091][ch1102][ch1097][ch1080][ch1081] piocs [ch1080] [ch1087][ch1086][ch1089][ch1083][ch1077] forume [ch1091][ch1089][ch1090][ch1072][ch1085][ch1086][ch1074][ch1083][ch1077][ch1085] [ch1072][ch1085][ch1075][ch1083][ch1080][ch1081][ch1089][ch1082][ch1080][ch1081], [ch1080] [ch1103] [ch1085][ch1080][ch1095][ch1077][ch1075][ch1086] [ch1085][ch1077] [ch1087][ch1086][ch1083][ch1091][ch1095][ch1080][ch1090], [ch1085][ch1086] [ch1080] [ch1085][ch1091][ch1083][ch1080]. [ch1071] [ch1080][ch1089][ch1087][ch1086][ch1083][ch1100][ch1079][ch1091][ch1102] Google Translate [ch1076][ch1083][ch1103] [ch1087][ch1077][ch1088][ch1077][ch1074][ch1086][ch1076][ch1072] [ch1089][ch1090][ch1088][ch1072][ch1085][ch1080][ch1094][ch1099], [ch1085][ch1086] [ch1085][ch1077] [ch1076][ch1086][ch1083][ch1078][ch1085][ch1099] [ch1088][ch1077][ch1075][ch1080][ch1089][ch1090][ch1088][ch1080][ch1088][ch1086][ch1074][ch1072][ch1090][ch1100][ch1089][ch1103], [ch1095][ch1090][ch1086][ch1073][ch1099] [ch1087][ch1086][ch1083][ch1091][ch1095][ch1080][ch1090][ch1100] forume, [ch1095][ch1090][ch1086][ch1073][ch1099] [ch1074][ch1077][ch1088][ch1085][ch1091][ch1090][ch1100][ch1089][ch1103] [ch1074] [ch1088][ch1091][ch1089][ch1089][ch1082][ch1080][ch1081] [ch1101][ch1090][ch1086] [ch1089][ch1076][ch1077][ch1083][ch1072][ch1090][ch1100]. [ch1050][ch1072][ch1082] [ch1103] [ch1084][ch1086][ch1075][ch1091] [ch1080][ch1079][ch1084][ch1077][ch1085][ch1080][ch1090][ch1100] langrage [ch1074] [ch1087][ch1088][ch1077][ch1092][ch1077][ch1088][ch1072][ch1085][ch1089] [ch1074] forume [ch1103] [ch1087][ch1086][ch1096][ch1077][ch1083] [ch1087][ch1086][ch1076] [ch1087][ch1086][ch1083][ch1100][ch1079][ch1086][ch1074][ch1072][ch1090][ch1077][ch1083][ch1077][ch1084] CP [ch1085][ch1086] [ch1085][ch1077] [ch1085][ch1072][ch1096][ch1077][ch1083] [ch1085][ch1080][ch1095][ch1077][ch1075][ch1086], [ch1095][ch1090][ch1086][ch1073][ch1099] [ch1080][ch1079][ch1084][ch1077][ch1085][ch1080][ch1090][ch1100] langrage. [ch1071] [ch1076][ch1086][ch1083][ch1078][ch1077][ch1085] [ch1089][ch1076][ch1077][ch1083][ch1072][ch1090][ch1100] [ch1095][ch1090][ch1086]-[ch1090][ch1086] [ch1080][ch1079][ch1084][ch1077][ch1085][ch1080][ch1090][ch1100] [ch1085][ch1072][ch1089][ch1090][ch1088][ch1086][ch1081][ch1082][ch1080], [ch1082][ch1086][ch1075][ch1076][ch1072] [ch1103] [ch1076][ch1086][ch1083][ch1078][ch1077][ch1085] [ch1089][ch1076][ch1077][ch1083][ch1072][ch1090][ch1100] somthing [ch1085][ch1077][ch1087][ch1088][ch1072][ch1074][ch1080][ch1083][ch1100][ch1085][ch1086], [ch1082][ch1086][ch1075][ch1076][ch1072] [ch1103] [ch1089][ch1086][ch1079][ch1076][ch1072][ch1074][ch1072][ch1083] [ch1072][ch1082][ch1082][ch1072][ch1091][ch1085][ch1090].


[ch1069][ch1090][ch1086] [ch1090][ch1086], [ch1095][ch1090][ch1086] [ch1103] [ch1087][ch1086][ch1083][ch1091][ch1095][ch1072][ch1102], [ch1082][ch1072][ch1082] [ch1087][ch1086][ch1082][ch1072][ch1079][ch1072][ch1085][ch1086] [ch1085][ch1072] [ch1089][ch1090][ch1088][ch1072][ch1085][ch1080][ch1094][ch1077]..... Дэн, достойные внимания фотографии строительства наших Кри-Кри я размещаю на этом сайте.

This is what I am getting as displayed on the page

I am sorry Lori, I ment one the forume itself when I login to the forum to se your next piocs and post the forume is set to english and I get nothing but A's and O's. I use google translate to translate the page but have to log out to get the forume to go back to Russian to do it. How do I change the langrage preferance in the forume I went under user CP but found nothing to change the langrage. I must have done something to change the setting when I must have done somthing wrong when I crated the account.



Я люблю строить самолеты!
I've just tried to switch my profile to English and back to Russian... So, I understand now the problem: when forum is switched to English, it marks all its pages as in western (european) 8-bit codepage, while they are actually in cyrillic Win-1251 codepage. This behaviour is obviously an error...

So, there are 2 ways:
1) switch to Russian (in "User CP" select "Profile", and there select "Options", the forum will request password, and then in the very bottom of "Options" page there is language select control).

2) but there is another way, a bit more hard but it doesn't require to switch to Russian (it works at least in Firefox): every time you open a page and it is in wrong codepage, it's possible to select the correct one through menu "View"->(don't know what's English name of this entry - probably "Character Encoding" or "Codepage"), the correct is: Cyrillic, Windows-1251. The drawback is that it should be done namely every time, with every page open.

P.S. If you use the 1st way and switch your profile to Russian, all forum interface will be in Russian, so you will need some translation facility to make any further changes to your profile and settings. I hope, somebody will help in case of this kind of difficulties :)


Я люблю строить самолеты!
Yep that fixed it there thanks Toman

Да, что фиксированные ней благодаря Томан



CRI CRI #703
Приклеили проставки 10201 и 10202, заполняющие пространство между обшивкой и лонжероном. Работа над обшивкой приближается неотвратимо.

Перед тем, как отдать бак хозяину, сняли с него гипсовые слепки и теперь по ним делаем болван (выклеили и склеили вместе верх с низом).



Я люблю строить самолеты!
Lori where did you get the tank master mold?

Лори, где вы получите форму танка хозяин?



CRI CRI #703
We have made a disposable master molds of plaster on a tank (see messages #571 and #572) which was bought in France by our comrade.
On pictures - on master model working.

Одноразовые формы мы сделали из гипса по баку (см. сообщения #571 и #572), который купил во Франции наш товарищ.
На фотографиях - работа на мастер-моделью.



CRI CRI #703
Непременно. Сейчас заканчивается подготовка к приклеиванию обшивки консолей. Из-за упругости Д16Т равномерное прижатие его к нервюрам оказалось непростым делом. Получилось, что одного вакуумирования недостаточно, пришлось изобретать дополнительные прижимы, совершать много пробных и тренировочных действий.