Кстати картинки 2 двигателей Паттакон разобранных после испытаний в 1992 году
Слева: the first Harmonic / Cardan prototype. Cylinder, cylinder head and piston rings from a Honda C-50: 39mm bore, 60mm stroke.
Bottom left: the piston,
Bottom right: the casing / mechanism / main crankshaft / secondary crankshaft
of the single-sided Harmonic prototype. On the big hole at top of the casing it is secured the air-cooled cylinder and the cylinder head of a Yamaha 250cc motorcycle engine (the original 56mm stroke of Yamaha changes to 80mm: without piston skirt and without thrust loads on the cylinder it is easy). You can also see the wrist pin and the balance web of the secondary crankshaft just below it. The moon like piece is the balance web on the main crankshaft. Even this single-side design can be fully balanced (zero inertia forces on the basis of the engine, zero inertia moments on the basis, zero inertia torque to the drive train) without any additional balance shaft. A V12 cannot be better, nor the Wankel rotary.
Bottom middle: the piston of the prototype with the flames at exhaust, assembled on the secondary crankshaft that comprises two balance webs and two spur gears (the one is hidden). There is a needle roller bearing in the wrist pin; there are two more roller bearings next to the spur gears for the support of the secondary crankshaft on the main crankshaft.
Справа: the mechanism of the four cylinder Harmonic prototype shown also at the next photo.
Here you can see the basic parts of the four cylinder Harmonic prototype mechanism (middle up) with the two double pistons. The double pistons reciprocate inside the cylinders of the cylinder blocks at left and right (from an Alfa Romeo 1200cc boxer engine). The cylinder heads (not shown) are also from the Alfa Romeo boxer. The big spur gear inside the cylindrical casing (between the two double pistons) is for the delivery of the power from the “main crankshaft” inside the cylindrical part to an external power shaft. Beside this big spur gear there is a gearwheel with “internal gearing” (cut on the material of the cylindrical part between the two double pistons) meshed with the spur gear secured on the secondary crankshaft (the two ends of the secondary crankshaft are the wrist pins of the double pistons).
In the same photo at bottom middle it is shown the piston from the single-sided Harmonic prototype.
Also, they are shown two “secondary crankshafts with their piston” for double-sided single cylinder prototypes like the one with the flames. In order to keep syncronized the two halves of the crankshaft of the double-sided harmonic, you need another four gearwheels.
Form more details open the harmonic http://www.pattakon.com/educ/harmonic.exe program.
The Harmonic / Cardan design is unconventional.
The combustion loads pass through the gearwheels.
The secondary crankshaft rotates – relative to the main crankshaft – at double crank speed: I.e. at 9,000 rpm (for the 80mm stroke of the prototype with the flames, 9,000rpm means 24m/sec mean piston speed) the secondary crankshaft rotates with 18,000 rpm on its bearings on the main crankshaft.
There is a distance between the theoretically perfect and the real thing.
The best characteristic of these Harmonic - Cardan prototypes is the additional time provided to the combustion: the piston dwell at the combustion dead center (CDC) is increased for some 20% as compared to the piston dwell of the conventional engine.
The evolution of the Harmonic / Cardan design gave the PPE (Pulling Rod Engine) architecture / design, at http://www.pattakon.com/pattakonPPE.htm that provides double increase of the piston dwell as compared to the Harmonic / Cardan design (the dwell of the piston in the PPE design at the CDC is some 40% longer than the piston dwell of the conventional).
And the evolution of the PPE (Pulling Rod Engine) gave the OPRE (Opposed piston Pulling Rod Engine) at http://www.pattakon.com/pattakonOPRE.htm and the PatOP engine at http://www.pattakon.com/pattakonPatOP.htm : they both keep the long dwell of the PPE design, avoiding its side-effect (the rod into the combustion chamber).
Now think deeper about the OPRE: For divided load applications, like a range extender with two counter-rotating electric generators, or like the portable flyer at http://www.pattakon.com/pattakonFly.htm , the balance quality is better than the Harmonic and than any other known engine: the basis of the engine is not only rid of inertia vibrations of any kind / order (which is also true for the V-12, the Wankel rotary, the Harmonic and the PatOP) but it is also rid of power / combustion vibrations. The basis remains vibration and reaction-torque free even during misfiring, even during the change of load and the acceleration / deceleration, which is significant for light portable flyers / airplanes / helicopters. Think why.
The synchronizing gearwheels between the two crankshafts of the OPRE are actually unloaded.
Think also of the robustness, compactness and especially of the lightweight of the PatOP (635cc, 20Kp, 500mm height). The casing of the PatOP is the least loaded of all (OPRE, OPOC, Harmonic, Wankel, conventional etc).
If you want to try to apply the Harmonic / Cardan on the PatOP, you are wellcome.
Manolis Pattakos
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