как эту проблему решили в "Сынерджи".
\malienkij risunok...\=
Cooling drag is unacceptable to me. Most planes waste a huge amount of energy to thermal losses, so the goal is to put that heat energy to work. It’s easier here because we’re liquid cooled and I have lots of room to stack the oil cooler, intercooler, radiator, and turbo/exhaust in slow moving air. The way I’m doing it is to have an overflow inlet at a natural stagnation point (the wing root) feeding a long, expanding duct. When the duct reaches the firewall it spills into a large sealed plenum (the bottom third of the engine compartment). Heated air exits the back through a vertical slot below the prop that is adjustable in width to allow a high velocity scavenged exit. In case we need more air in climb, the bottom, forward lip also drops open just behind the wing.
All pumped air from BLC and cabin pressure bleed is exhausted into the radiators as well."
=poprobujtie autopierievodtshikom?
\забор воздуха на передней кромке корневых частей крыльев,
регулируемое сечение...\
=snimki,motor DELTA HAWK 200 HP diesel...
=v sieriedinie...soprotivlienije fiuzeliazha...
-я хочу использовать жабры,которые будут сильно прохлаждаться...+,если не хватит=эжекционный насадок.